21 Types of Blue Birds in Michigan
Michigan City has a diverse collection of avian species. Its richness and immense resources make it one of these birds’ most balanced economic systems.
This article will delve into the top 21 blue birds in Michigan City and discuss their scientific names, lifespans, native places, sizes, food habits, and other attributes.
So, let’s explore this city of diversity.
21 Types of Blue Birds in Michigan
This section will discuss Michigan’s top 21 blue birds by exploring their characteristics, such as scientific names, lifespan, native place, size, food habits, and other facts and details.
Bird 1: Barn Swallow

- Scientific name: Hirundo rustica
- Lifespan: around 4 years
- Native to: Europe, Asia, Africa, America
- Size: 2- 7 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, flies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, beetles, wasps, wild bees, ants, etc.
The Barn swallow Birds are the subspecies of the swallow family, which are widely spotted in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
Their upper body has deep blue plumage, and their breasts and belly (lower abdomen part) are white. Their faces are red, and their beaks are black.
Female swallow birds also look similar, apart from their tails, which are comparatively shorter than male birds’. These swallow species are fond of low vegetation, open country, and farmlands with nearby water.
Their breeding season runs from February or March to mid-September. Male birds tend to reach their breeding spot and find their nesting spot before female birds arrive.
Later when female swallows arrive, they perform circling flight and sing to attract the females. Male and female both defend their nests and their territory.
Males become more aggressive towards their territory. Female birds lay 2 to 7 eggs and incubate them for 14 to 19 days.
These birds’ highest longevity was more than 11 years, however on average these species can survive around 4 years in the wild.
Bird 2: Belted Kingfisher

- Scientific name: Megaceryle alcyon
- Lifespan: around 14 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 48 to 58 cm
- Food or Diet: small fish, including mammals, young birds, lizards
Belted Kingfisher is a medium to large watery Kingfisher that is native to North America. These species have crests on their heads, white collars, grayish-blue backs, wings, and white lower parts.
These birds are largely distributed across North America, including Canada and the United States. Later, they migrate from the northern parts of the country to the southern part of the United States, Mexico, and Central America.
Their permanent residence is mostly in the warmer parts of the country, and they leave the northern parts when the water starts to freeze.
Before hunting their prey, these belted kingfishers mostly perch from trees, posts, or other suitable watching points. Their nests are basically long tunnels or often slope uphill.
Bird 3: Black-Throated Blue Warbler

- Scientific name: Setophaga caerulescens
- Lifespan: around 9 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 13 cm
- Food or Diet: invertebrates, insects, caterpillars, crane flies, spiders
Black-throated blue warbler is a small-sized Passerine bird that is related to the New World warbler family. Their upper body is shining deep blue with a black face and white flower abdomen parts.
These birds are mostly familiar in North America, including the Caribbean and Central America. They prefer deciduous forests, parks, and gardens for their habitats.
Their nests are generally semi-open nesting, which is not very high; rather, they build their nests very close to the ground surface.
Their breeding season starts around May and ends in July. Male birds sing a song to attract their mates during their breeding seasons.
These species are largely increasing worldwide, and the IUCN declared them the least concern species in 2012.
Bird 4: Blue Jay

- Scientific name: Cyanocitta cristata
- Lifespan: average 7 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 22 to 30 cm
- Food or Diet: corn, grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, and insects
Blue Jaybird is another bluebird that is related to the Corvidae family of passerine bird species. Their upper body is blue with a black pattern on the wings and tails.
They have black chains around their neck, white faces, and white breasts. These species are familiar in North America, including southern Canada, the United States, Florida, and Texas.
They are fond of arid pine forests and scrub areas for their habitats. These species are mostly noisy and aggressive birds while protecting their nests and territories.
If they see any predators or intruders, they will start screaming to divert their attention from them. Their mating season starts around mid-March and April.
They build their nests around 10 to 33 feet above the ground. They are very choosy while selecting their nesting sites; mostly prefer rural or heavily deforested areas.
Bird 5: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

- Scientific name: Polioptila caerulea
- Lifespan: around 4 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 10 to 13 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, eggs, spiders etc
Blue-gray gnatcatchers are small songbirds widely distributed in North America. Their upper bodies are sky blue and gray, and their lower parts have grayish-white plumage and white eye rings.
These species prefer wooded areas, shrublands, and deciduous forests, including Eastern and Southwestern United States and Mexico, for their habitats.
Later, they traveled or migrated to the Southern United States, Mexico, northern Central America, Cuba, and the Bahamas. They make sounds and noises during their breeding seasons to attract their mates.
Both male and female birds share their parental duties and feed their young. Females incubate for 10 to 15 days.
Bird 6: Cerulean Warbler

- Scientific name: Setophaga cerulea
- Lifespan: about 6 years
- Native to: Eastern North America
- Size: around 11 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, fruits, and flowers
Cerulean warblers are small songbirds in the Parulidae family. Their whole body is covered in a sheen of sky blue on the back and white on the chests and belly.
They are mostly spotted in Eastern North America. These species prefer hardwood forests and deciduous forests for their habitats.
They build their nests often in high places, about 98 feet above the ground. Male birds sing a whisper song, to which females respond to their singing with a call.
Sometimes, female birds attack other females to destroy their nests and eggs. Male and female birds build their nests together and also choose their nesting sites.
As migratory birds, they travel long distances during their migration period, covering the Midwest and Northwest states in the spring and summer.
Bird 7: Common Grackle

- Scientific name: Quiscalus quiscula
- Lifespan: around 17 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 28 to 34 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, beetles, grubs, caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, crayfish, etc.
Common grackles are large birds widely distributed in North America. Their heads and necks are deep blue, their wings are dark brownish, and their beaks are black.
These species use open and semi-open areas, dense trees and shrubs, and watery places for their nesting and habitats. They build or construct their nests in tree cavities or man-made structures.
These species also migrate to the Southwestern United States in large flocks. Although they can sing, their voices are harsh compared to other melodious singing birds.
During their breeding seasons, male birds tip their heads and fluff their feathers to showcase their courtship rituals and attract other mates.
In this case, they chase away other male birds or become aggressive towards other male birds as well.
Bird 8: Eastern Bluebird

- Scientific name: Sialia sialis
- Lifespan: 6 to 10 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 16 to 21 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, invertebrates, fruits, berries, beetles, earthworms etc.
Eastern bluebirds are small birds mostly found in North America, including Canada, the Gulf States, and Arizona. Their upper bodies are bright blue, their breasts are orange, and their belly is slightly white.
These species prefer open areas, frequently burned pine savannas, and open wood for their habitats. Eastern bluebirds are very social birds and stay in large flocks of hundreds of birds.
They also protect their territories throughout their breeding season. After breeding seasons, males and females raise their young and care for them together by sharing their responsibilities.
However, females build the nests within 10 days and incubate the eggs for about 13 to 16 days. The young leave their nests within 15 to 20 days after hatching.
Bird 9: Indigo Bunting

- Scientific name: Passerina cyanea
- Lifespan: around 2 to 3 years
- Native to: Canada, Florida, South America
- Size: 11 to 15 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, berries, caterpillars, spiders, grasshoppers etc
Indigo Bunting are small birds with blue and brown plumage over their body. They are mostly spotted in Southern Canada, Florida, South America, and Mexico.
These bunting birds are found in southern Canada, Florida, Texas, and Nevada during their breeding season. They migrate to southern Florida, central Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, and South America in winter.
These Indigo birds prefer open forests, woodlands, and farmlands for their habitats. These birds only prefer to travel or migrate during the night. With the help of the stars, they navigate their location.
These Indigo birds communicate through their vocalization. They use high-pitched sounds or buzzing sounds to mark their territory and attract mates during breeding seasons.
Bird 10: Northern Parula

- Scientific name: Setophaga americana
- Lifespan: around 5 years
- Native to: North America, Canada, and Florida
- Size: around 10.8 to 12.4 cm
- Food or Diet: spiders, insects, caterpillars, grasshoppers, ants, wasps, bees, flies, beetles, etc.
Northern parula is a small bird related to the New World warbler family. Its head is ashy blue, its chest is yellow, and its wings and back are blue with gray bellies.
As migratory birds, they travel to Florida, northern Central America, and West Indies in the winter. They prefer lowlands for their habitats.
Their diet includes spiders, bugs, grasshoppers, caterpillars, flies, bees, ants, and beetles. They also eat fruits, berries, and nectar from flowers in different seasons.
They build nests about 7 cm wide, and the females incubate for 10 to 11 days there. After hatching, birds also leave the nests.
Bird 11: Purple Martin

- Scientific name: Progne subis
- Lifespan: 1 to 2 years; max 13 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: 20 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, mosquitoes, ants, etc.
Purple Martin is a small bird that has been seen in North America, including British Columbia and Mexico. It prefers open areas and wooded areas for its habitat.
They usually use artificial or man-made nests for their nesting season. Sometimes, they use old cavities made by woodpeckers. Male birds arrive before the female birds and establish territories during their breeding season.
Female birds lay one egg at a time and incubate for fifteen to sixteen days. This species can survive up to 1 or 2 years. However, one individual bird can survive for around 13 years.
They are famous for their flight agility and rapid flapping pattern as they can dive from the sky with a high speed.
Also Read: Top 20 blue and black birds (Photos, Facts, And ID)
Bird 12: Red-breasted Nuthatch

- Scientific name: Sitta Canadensis
- Lifespan: around 6 years
- Native to: Canada, Alaska, Northeastern and western United States
- Size: 11 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, flies, seeds, berries, peanut butter, etc.
Red-breasted nuthatches are small songbirds that are familiar in Alaska, Canada, and the Western United States. Their upper parts and tails are bluish, and their breasts are red.
During their breeding seasons, the male tries to attract the female birds by peculiar display performances such as lifting their head and tails, turning their back to the female birds, gliding, and swaying from side to side.
They are half-migratory birds as they stay within their region almost all year, and few birds migrate to the South in winter.
Mostly female birds lay 2 to 8 eggs, usually 5 to 6 white eggs, and incubate for 12 to 13 days. Young leave their nests after 2 to 3 weeks.
Bird 13: Rock Dove

- Scientific name: Columba livia
- Lifespan: around 6 years
- Native to: Western and Southern Europe, North America
- Size: 29nto 37 cm
- Food or Diet: plants, fruits, grains
Rock doves, also known as rock Pigeons or common pigeons, are large birds that are widely distributed in Europe, North Africa, and South Asia.
Their whole body is grayish black with a little Metallic purple shine. They prefer open places like city areas or farmlands for their habitats.
These rock dove birds build their nests with sticks and grass, where females lay 1 to 3 white eggs. Later, the females incubated for 18 days, and after 25 to 32 days, the young fled from the nests.
These birds’ main food is plants. However, they also eat fruits and grains.
Bird 14: Tree Swallow

- Scientific name: Tachycineta 3
- Lifespan: about 2.7 years
- Native to: America
- Size: 12 to 14 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, mollusks, spiders, fruits, flies, etc.
Tree Swallows are small migratory birds that are familiar in most of North America, including New Mexico, California, Central Alaska, and Canada.
These birds breed in North America and later migrate to Canada and Alaska. They build their nests in pre-made holes or cavities in trees or in artificially structured nests.
These tree swallow birds can fly around 160 feet above the ground and have the ability to glide and flap in the sky, which makes their flight effortless.
Tree Swallows can survive for about 2.7 years; however, one individual bird can survive for up to 12 years.
Bird 15: White Breasted Nuthatch

- Scientific name: Sitta carolinensis
- Lifespan: around 2 years
- Native to: North America
- Size: about 15.5 cm
- Food or Diet: insects, nuts, seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.
The white-breasted nuthatch is a small to medium-sized bird widely distributed across North America, including Florida, Mexico, and Canada.
These species prefer woodlands, open areas, and savanna lands for their nesting and habitats. They are non-migratory birds, meaning they do not travel long distances during their breeding or migration seasons.
They like to stay in one region and defend their territory from birds and intruders. They stay in large flocks, which helps them avoid direct eye contact with predators.
These birds mostly eat what they find in the ground. Their diet also includes nuts, sunflower seeds, and insects such as ants, beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers.
In conclusion, Michigan City is diverse in terms of economic and ecological factors. This balanced nature, full of resources, helps avian species find their suitable breeding season, migration season, nesting habits, and food habits, which helps them survive in nature.
Like Michigan City, Florida City is known for its diverse species collection, which gives every species a secure residence and protection.