Top 25 Beautiful Blue Birds In Florida
Florida is highly recognized for its diversity in bionature and ecosystems. It has immense richness over diverse species collection for having enough sources of foods, and habitat for all the avian species. Among those species in Florida, blue birds have a significant appearance for their beauty, look, and physical features.
This article will try to explore the top 25 birds in Florida by discussing their physical characteristics, geographic distribution, habitat preferences, feeding habits, and unique traits about them. So let’s look into these beautiful birds.
An Overview of Bluebirds in Florida
Blue Birds in Florida represent a captivating diversity of their existence. Each species has their individual characteristics. This section will give a general idea about their physical characteristics, geographic distribution, habitat preferences, and feeding habits in Florida.
Physical characteristics
Although different species have different physical characteristics, one thing in common is that all have blue color or plumage on their body.
Some birds may have blue bodies, some may have blue breasts, some may have blue tails, some birds may have blue feathers and some may have blue heads. Overall the blue color will contrast with other colors such as black, brown, yellow, gray, and so on.
Geographic Distribution
Blue bird diversity covers the whole state of Florida. Although these bluebird species are familiar in the United States, Mexico, and Alabaster areas across Florida.
Some species come to Florida during their breeding seasons for want of food as well. Some bluebirds come during their non-breeding seasons.
Habitat Preferences
Each species has their own habitat depending on their regional surroundings. All these blue birds in Florida are fond of woodlands, wetlands, forests, grasslands, coastal areas, urban areas, etc.
Some birds prefer wooded areas. Some birds prefer marshes areas and wetlands for their habitat preferences.
Food habits
These blue birds in Florida have a diverse diet for their food habits. They basically eat fruits, seeds, berries, and grains. These food habits give them energy, stamina, and strength to deal with nature.
Top 25 blue birds in Florida
1. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)

Blue Jay is a small bird that has a blue back, head, and tail with a white belly. Their size is about 22 to 33 centimeters and their wingspan is about 34 to 43 cm. Their estimated lifespan is about seven years. They are familiar in North America. It has also been seen in the eastern United States to Florida.
These species are aggressive and noisy birds. They get aggressive if they see any intruders besides their nests or territory. Their diet contains peanuts, grains, corn, seeds, fruits, berries, etc. These blue jay species also mimic humans and other birds.
You can read this post to learn in detail about the spiritual aspects of the Blue Jay bird: The Heavenly Sign of the Blue Jay
2. Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea)
Indigo Bunting is a small bird with indigo-blue and brown plumage. Their length is about 11 to 15 cm and their weight is about 15 grams. These species are native to Canada, Florida, and South America.

They prefer farmlands, open lands, and wooded areas for their inhabitants. Their diet has insects, berries, caterpillars, spiders, beetles, grasshoppers, and seeds. Their migration starts in May and April then again in September and October.
3. Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
Tree Swallow birds small migratory birds. The back of the body has glossy blue and white breasts with a black beak. Their size is about 12 to 14 cm and their weight is about 17 to 25 grams. These birds breed in North America.

Sometimes they choose to migrate to Canada and Alaska for their breedings. They are fond of open areas, wooded areas, and mostly water-resistant areas for their habitats. They eat insects, mollusks, spiders, fruits, and flies for their food diet. These species choose their nests with pre-made holes both natural and artificial.
4. Florida scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)
Florida scrub Jay is a small bird with a blue back, face, and tails white breasts. Their size is about 23 to 28 cm and their weight is about 66 to 92 grams.

They are familiar in North America. Similarly, they can be noticed in the United States and Florida. They like open urban areas and wooded places for their habitats. They eat seeds, fruits, flowers, nectar, and berries.
5. Blue Birds ( Sialia sialis)
Bluebirds ( Sialia sialis) is another popular bird in Florida with blue and brown plumage on their back and orange breast.
Their body length is about 16 to 21 cm. Their weight is about 24 to 34 grams. These bluebirds can easily live around 6 to 10 years. They lay 4 to 6 eggs.
6. Blue grosbeak (Passerina caerulea)
Blue grosbeak is a medium size bird with blue and brownish plumage over the body. Their length is about 14 to 19 cm and their weight is about 26 to 31 grams. They have the potential to survive for around 7 years. They travel to Central America during their migration periods.
They prefer woodlands, cultivated lands, and scattered trees for their habitats. They like to eat insects, snails, spiders, seeds, grains, and fruits for their food.
7. Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)
The little blue heron is a similar species of heron bird. Their whole body is a bluish-purple body with long beaks. Their size is about 56 to 74 centimeters and their wingspan is about 20 to 30 centimeters.
They have potential survival for up to seven years. They are familiar with Central America, Mexico, the United States, Colombia, Peru, and Jamaica.
They are fond of marine environments which are watery areas also in forests and flooded areas. They stand still and wait for their prey to come closer rather than chasing the prey.
8. Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)
Painted Bunting is a beautiful vibrant color bird that looks like it is being painted with different colors. Their size is about 12 to 14 cm and their weight is about 13 to 19 grams. They can survive over 10 years compared to other birds. They are familiar with North America, and Central America.
They prefer woodlands, brushy areas, and shrubbery places for their habitats. They eat insects, spiders, ants, bees, grasshoppers, flies, nectar, etc. It is very hard to observe these species with the human eye as they are very shy and reluctant birds in nature.
9. Northern parkland (Setophaga americana)
Northern parkland is another blue and yellow bird that has been seen in Florida. They are familiar in North America, Canada, and Florida. Their length is about 10 to 12 centimeters and wing size is about 16 to 18 centimeters wide.
These species of northern parkland can live around 5 years. In winter, they visit Florida with a long migration journey. They prefer dwelling forests, and moist places in Florida for habitats.
10. Black-throated blue warbler (Setophaga caerulescens)
Black-throated blue warbler is a small blue bird with a white chest. Their size is about 13 cm and their weight is about 7 to 9 grams. They can have potential life spans of around 9 to 10 years.
They migrate to North America during their breeding season. But in winter they again travel to tropical wooded places for their habitats. They eat insects, flies, spiders, caterpillars, seeds, berries, and fruits.
11. Northern Parula (Setophaga americana)
The northern parula is a small bird. It has blue and gray lower parts with a greenish back or upper part and a white patch on the wings. Their size is about 15 to 18 cm and their weight is about 5 to 11 grams. These species’ potential survival time is at least 5 years. In winter these birds travel to Florida, Central America. They prefer forest dwelling places for their habitats.
12. Cerulean warbler (Setophaga cerulea)
The cerulean warbler bird is another bird with a deep ocean blue color on its back with a black beak and face. Their length is about 11 centimeters and their wing size is 20 cm.
They can survive for six years. They visit North American places and breed there. Later in the winter season, they travel to South America. They prefer hardwood forests and subtropical forests for their habitats.
13. Great blue heron (Ardea herodias)
The great blue heron is a similar species to the heron family. Their bodies are grayish blue and orange legs with large beaks. Their heights are about 115 to 138 cm. Their average potential survival time is around 15 years.
They are familiar in North America. In winter they travel more or Florida, Mexico, and the Caribbean. They prefer wetlands habitats such as fresh salty waters, flooded areas, marshes, and mangroves. Their primary diet is fish. They build their nests around watery places.
14. Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis)
Eastern bluebirds are small birds with blue bodies and orange chests. Their size is about 16 to 31 centimeters. They can survive around 6 to 10 years.
They are familiar in North America. They prefer woodlands and wooded areas, open places for their habitats. Sometimes they made a flock and roamed around with the groups. They eat seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, etc for their habits
15. Purple Martin (Progne subis)
Purple Martin birds are small birds which are associated with shallow families. Their body is glossy steel blue plumage. Their size is about 20 cm and their weights are about 45 to 60 grams. They only survive around one to two years.
These birds breed in North America. In winter they travel to Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. Male birds build nests and create territory. Their diet has insects, snails, beetles, bees, spiders, etc.
16. Common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)
Common grackles have beautiful deep glossy blue and brown feathers over their body. Their length is about 28 to 34. Their weight is about 74 to 142 grams. Common grackles mostly survive around 22 years.
They are familiar in North America. They prefer watery areas, shrubs, and dense forests for their habitat preferences. They eat insects, berries, frogs, eggs, seeds, grains, etc. They have harsh voices not melodious for singing.
17. Blue- gray gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)
The blue-gray gnatcatcher is a very small bird that is famous for its melodious singing. Their size is around 10 to 13 cm and their wings are 6.3 inches around 16 cm long. They can survive around 3 to 4 years.
They breed in North America. Later they migrate to the eastern and Southwestern United States. They prefer large leaves, woodland, and more open sandy places for their habitats. They eat insects, eggs, and spiders in their diet. Males help to build nests and raise the chicks.
18. Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)
Belted Kingfishers have deep blue heads and collar-white features on their neck and chests with dark beaks. Their length is about 28 to 35 cm and wings are around 48 to 58 cm. They can survive about 6 to 10 years. They are familiar in North America.
They are also familiar with Canada, Alaska, and the United States. They travel long distances and go to Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. They eat mollusks, small mammals, fish, reptiles, etc for their food. They make their nests near a river and lakeside.
19. Blue-winged teal (Spatula discors)
Blue-winged teal is a duck bird which has blue and brown birds with orange legs. Their size is about 40 cm. Their wings are about 58 cm long. Their potential survival period is 23 years. They are familiar in North America.
They breed in Alaska Alaska, nova scotia. Some birds fly high over Oceans to reach their distribution. They prefer open watery places, marshes Island, lakes, pools, and ponds. Their main food is plants including insects, mollusks, etc.
20. Blue-headed vireo (Vireo solitarius)
Blue-headed vireo bird is a small songbird. Their size is 126- 148 mm and their wingspan is about 200 to 240 wide. Their potential survival is about 7 years.
They are familiar in North America, Canada, and the Northern United States. They eat caterpillars, butterflies, bees, dragonflies, grasshoppers, spiders, bugs, snails, and ants. These species start singing during their breeding seasons.
21. Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
The Barn swallow bird has a slate blue colored head and wings. Its tail is deeply forked. Their size is around 2 to 7 cm. Their life period is around 4 years. Barn Swallows are familiar in North America and Eurasia. During winter, these are also seen in Central and South America, Southern Spain, Morocco, Egypt, the Middle East, and Australia.
Swallows are very adaptable birds and live close to water. They Prefer their nests near streams, ponds, and rivers. Their diet has insects, beetles, wasps, wild bees, winged ants, etc. They also eat some moths, grasshoppers, spiders, and snails.
22. Lazuli Bunting (Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting is about 5.9 inches with a wingspan of about 8.7 inches. Their backs are gray and there is a blue section around their eyes and chin. Lazuli Buntings can live about 9 years, but most of them don’t survive beyond the age of 5. During their breeding season, they are familiar with the Pacific Coast from British Columbia, south to northern Baja California, and east to western North Dakota and Colorado.
They prefer hillsides, wooded areas, agricultural fields, and gardens for their habitats. Their diets include insects, grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, true bugs, wild bees, ants, and others. On the contrary, weed seeds and waste grain make up most of their winter diet.
23. Red-Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Canadensis)
Nuthatches are about 11.5 cm long and their weight is 10 grams. Their upper part is grayish blue and the lower part is red. Their potential life period is around 6 years. Nuthatches are found in conifer forests across Canada, the Northeastern United States, Alaska, and the mountains of the West.
Nuthatches often favor woodland places, rivers, suburbs or parks with large trees present there for their habitats. They mainly depend on insects and spiders, seeds, etc.
24. Rock Pigeon (Columba livia)
Rock Pigeon is also regarded as a rock dove or common pigeon. They have grayish-blue plumage over their body with shiny green and pink necks. Their size is about 29 to 37 cm and their weight is around 238 to 380 grams. They are familiar with the United States, Canada, and Mexico. During their breeding season, they travel to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia.
They eat black oil, sunflower seeds, fruits, peanuts, insects, etc. They are not migratory or travel birds. They remain in their local or native places for years.
25. White-breasted nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis )
White-breasted nuthatches are medical-sized birds with blue backs and white breasts. Their size is about 13 to 14 cm and their wings are around 20 to 27 cm. Their potential life period is around two years. They prefer woodlands in North America, Canada, and Florida.
They are fond of wooded areas, suburban places, parks, and backyards for their habitats. They eat suet, sunflowers, peanuts, insects, fruits, bees, etc for their food diet. They are mostly noisy birds that make different vocal sounds for their communication.
In conclusion, Florida has its richness and diversity of avian species. These bluebirds enhance Florida’s beauty through their appearances, physical features and characteristics, geographic distribution, habitat preferences, and feeding habits.
Florida is successful in giving these species a secure breeding season, nesting environment, and enough food sources for them and for their young as well.
Florida is home to many beautiful green birds. The last time I visited Florida, I saw some unique and stunning green birds. I have created a post that includes a list of these green birds found in Florida. You can read the post to learn more about the avian species of Florida.